Hosiery Technology Center
Assisting the hosiery industry to compete in a global environment through training, R & D, hosiery testing, E-commerce and new product development

The Catawba Valley Community College-based center has served clients in over 40 states. The testing lab tests hosiery products (of sock & sheer testing) for both mills and major retailer. The Hosiery Technology Center is a resource for makers of pantyhose, tights and other fine gauge legwear as well as producers of socks. Explore our Knitting Lab, Dyeing & Finishing Lab and check out our testing (sock or sheer) services!

Hosiery 101/102
Hosiery 101/102 is now available in: Virtual Presentation or in classroom. The Hosiery 101/102 course covers the basics of hosiery knitting, the dyeing, finishing, and testing quality of the manufacturing process such as how yarn numbers affect the weights of socks, stitch formation, mock rib-vs-true rib, etc. The Hosiery 101/102 course is intended for all types of people involved with the Hosiery Industry: buyers, retailers, suppliers, schedulers, supervisors, quality control, personnel, designers, and new employees. Learn More...

Knitting Lab
Some of the services we can provide in the knitting lab are product development for yarn companies, product development for consumers and technician training at the lab and in-plant. Learn More...
Dyeing & Finishing Lab
We are not limited to just socks; we can also finish small fabric swatches, sleeves, etc. Learn More...

Testing Lab
A few of our testing services are: PPE testing, anti-microbial, compression testing for textiles, defect analysis, fiber analysis, flammability, and may more. Learn More...
Need a manufacturer for hosiery?
Click on MSC Sock and Sheer Hosiery Online Application if you have an idea for a sock or hosiery product or if you need a source for production.

Need PPE testing?
ASTM F1670 **NEW!**. Test for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Synthetic Blood. Let us test it for YOU TODAY!
301 Conover Station SE, Conover, NC 28613
828-327-7000, ext 4265